
A Woodman’s Pal machete chopping a downed tree limb.

How to Use a Machete with Proper Technique

Machetes are among the most versatile and essential tools for anyone spending time outdoors. With a rich history spanning centuries, machetes have proven invaluable for various tasks. Understanding proper machete...

How to Use a Machete with Proper Technique

Machetes are among the most versatile and essential tools for anyone spending time outdoors. With a rich history spanning centuries, machetes have proven invaluable for various tasks. Understanding proper machete...

How To Clear Brush With a Machete

Spending time outdoors is a great way to tap into the wilder side of human nature. It allows us to immerse ourselves in the way things were decades ago. While...

How To Clear Brush With a Machete

Spending time outdoors is a great way to tap into the wilder side of human nature. It allows us to immerse ourselves in the way things were decades ago. While...

What Features Should You Look for With a Surviv...

Whether you’re preparing your bugout bag or are looking for a tool to make outdoor working or leisure more enjoyable, a survival multi-tool makes a lot of sense. When you’re...

What Features Should You Look for With a Surviv...

Whether you’re preparing your bugout bag or are looking for a tool to make outdoor working or leisure more enjoyable, a survival multi-tool makes a lot of sense. When you’re...